Tube: SBM-20M Small Geiger Muller

October 4, 2015

Pictures: Details: Compact Geiger Muller tube, the SBM-20M shows an excellent sensitivity for its small size. It was designed for hard beta and gamma radiation, and the particular tubes in my photos above are new generation tubes, manufactured in 2012. This is similar to the SBM-20-1, but smaller. Notes on sensitivity: The sensitivity of this tube is comparable with the SI-29BG and the SBT-9. Its small size makes it ideal…


Statie de monitorizare a radiatiei de fond in Timisoara

October 30, 2012

Locuiesc in Timisoara, si de curand am terminat o statie de monitorizare a nivelului de radiatii de fond. Cu exceptia catorva institute din tara, care rar dau publice graficele, statia mea e probabil singura alternativa de acest gen, accesibila utilizatorului obisnuit. Acest articol, redactat in romana, prezinta detalii asupra statiei, explica ce este radiatia de fond si cum apare ea, dar si ilustreaza grafice in timp real.