Covid Coronavirus Face Mask

April 1, 2020

With the supply chains breaking due to the #covid-19 pandemic, some resources are becoming hard to procure. But there are cases when someone’s health or even life, depends on these limited resources. Being a 3D Printer owner, I realise that this is a valuable asset for building things that are otherwise hard to get. Take a face mask for example. With all the 3D printers out there owned by individuals,…


Full metal Delta 3D Printer

January 26, 2016

Finding the right 3D printer is not an easy task, considering the many options on the market. Many sellers claim unprecedented innovation, when instead all they offer is just another open source design at inflated prices. I knew I wanted a delta design, and a robust frame to better control vibrations, preferably metal. For the rest the more hackable the platform it was, the better. I opted for the one…