Build C++ projects with AVR Studio 5

BlackBerry Splash Screen
A tutorial with code that presents an easy way to show a splash screen in your Blackberry application. Show the first Splash-Screen, wait a few miliseconds, than load the rest of your application.
Developing for Blackberry -part 2-
An updated article on some very basic first steps with Blackberry programming. Tools, sample app, and how to get it running.

DIY/Homemade Geiger Muller Clicker V2
This geiger counter circuit features a regulated high voltage supply, with adjustable output. It can run on a single AA battery (1.5V)

Digital Counter using CD4026
A digital counter using CD4026 for fast event counting as those from Geiger Muller tubes or scintillation probes.

Longitudinal Excitation Nitrogen Laser
A Longitudinal Excitation Nitrogen Laser design, using a fridge pump for vacuum and N2 from air as lasing medium.

Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) Emulator How-to
A quick guide on how to configure an Android 4.0 Emulator image.

Android BluetoothClass Major Service Classes, Minor and Major Device Classes
Learn how to get over some limitations in Android Bluetooth SDK to read the Bluetooth COD (Major, minor classes) for a given Bluetooth device.
Android getSharedPreferences NullPointerException
Avoid the NullPointerException error when using the getSharedPreferences on Android.
Auto Start Android Service on Boot
Learn how to make an autostartable service on Android OS, using the BOOT_COMPLETED notification.
Building a socket for a power tube – TGI2 400/16
How to build a socket for a big Russian hydrogen Thyratron tube using copper connectors made out of a pipe.

Thyratron Switched Tesla coil (THYTC)
Using a hydrogen Thyratron tube to switch a Tesla Coil. The Thyratron tube replaces the noisy spark gap.

Relaxation oscillator using a Hydrogen Thyratron
Some details on the relaxation oscillators and my implementation using a hydrogen thyratron.

Pulse generator (Variable duration, frequency and amplitude)
A very customizable pulse generator built using three 555 timers, to control a relaxation oscillator hydrogen thyratron.
Pulse forming network
My DIY PFN for a relaxation oscillator using a hydrogen thyratron.

Twin Marx Generator
Some pictures with my marx generator throwing high voltage discharges!

Tube: TGI2 400/16 (ТГИ2-400/16), Russian hydrogen thyratron
A hydrogen thyratron is a device capable of switching big amounts of energy. The major advantage over other thyratrons is that the deionization time is reduced by using the hydrogen gas, generated in a small reservoir inside the tube, from a metallic Hydride.

Battery powered high voltage multiplier for gas igniter or stun gun
Learn how to build a compact gas igniter or stun gun, powered by a 9V battery.

Electric Fence – 20KV pulses for perimeter defense
Protect your tent’s perimeter from bears, when in the wild. A 20KV pulse generator will inflict painful shocks to anyone touching the perimeter electric fence wire. Not lethal, but very painful, enough to put unwanted visitors on the run.

How to build a Tesla Coil #4
A small spark gap tesla coil, a good example for an relaxation oscillator.

Rewind a Microwave Oven Transformer
How to rewind a MOT transformer for a high current low voltage power supply.

Android “Unable to open sync connection” error
How to fix the Unable to open sync connection, displayed in Eclipse Console by Android SDK tools.

Wireless Power Transmitter
A wireless power transmitter used to send electrical energy without wires. It uses induction, an emitter and a receiver working on the 63.1KHz frequency.

Electronic Ballast for fluorescent lamps
A simple electronic ballast running on 220V designed to work with up to four small power fluorescent lamps