The BMP085 is a compact, low power sensor for reading temperature, barometric pressure and altitude. See it in use with Atmel microprocessors.
Temperature and Humidity sensor DHT-22
DHT-22 is a small size, compact, dual temperature and humidity sensor featuring one-wire connectivity.
HC-SR04 Sonar with Atmega8 microcontroller
Build an ultrasonic sonar for non-contact distance measurements, using an Atmega8 and a HC-SR04
Statie de monitorizare a radiatiei de fond in Timisoara
Locuiesc in Timisoara, si de curand am terminat o statie de monitorizare a nivelului de radiatii de fond. Cu exceptia catorva institute din tara, care rar dau publice graficele, statia mea e probabil singura alternativa de acest gen, accesibila utilizatorului obisnuit. Acest articol, redactat in romana, prezinta detalii asupra statiei, explica ce este radiatia de fond si cum apare ea, dar si ilustreaza grafice in timp real.
uRADMonitor – Online Radiation monitoring station
I’ve developed the uRADMonitor as an Environmental Radiation Surveillance automated monitoring device. Data is gathered in real time, 24/7, and is exported via the Internet to a database online. The data is available in customizable charts for analysis.
DIY/Homemade Geiger Muller Digital Counter V3
A story of making a DIY Digital Geiger counter circuit, that can be used with several tubes. Add an enc28j60 Ethernet module and use the data to create graphs available online!
Temperature Sensors DS18B20 and DHT11 with Atmega8
Use the Atmega8 with two temperature sensors: the DS18B20 and the DHT-11. The latter also offers relative humidity data.
Vacuum tube tesla coil (VTTC) using Russian GU-81m
Vasil sent me 3 of his complete tesla coil systems. So here I am rebuilding his GU81m VTTC.
Bausch and Lomb Microscope
Read a post on my new acquisition, a Bauch&Lomb compound binocular microscope, a high quality tool, put to some good use to capture a few micro photographs. It can get up to 1000X with its current optics.
Atmega8 and enc28J60 for ethernet support
Learn how to create a network interface for your microcontroller projects. Here I have shown an example using the Atmega8 and the enc28j60 . Build a simple Webserver to show sensor data such as temperature or humidity.
Android Overlay Mouse Cursor
Learn how to create a mouse cursor in Android OS programatically, using Overlay Views.
Android default orientation and orientation change events
Find the default orientation on Android devices, and intercept orientation changes even for activities locked in portrait or landscape mode.
Bluetooth and iOS – Use Bluetooth in your iPhone apps
Learn how to use the BluetoothManager private APIs on iOS / iPhone/ iPod to discover nearby connections, populate a list view with the results, and try to establish a Bluetooth connection to the remote devices.
Developing for Apple iOS
A short guide to get started with iOS development. How to build a simple list view.
Capacitor Discharge Microspot Welder / Cutter
A DIY microspot soldering/welding/cutting device using energy stored in a very large capacitor delivered as precisely calculated pulses to working electrodes.
Mac mini is big enough to blow a full size PC away
A short review on a Mac Mini that I recently acquired. I plan to use it as my new fixed workstation instead of my older P4 PC.
Atten ADS1102CAL Oscilloscope
For my first oscilloscope, I opted for the Atten ADS1102CAL. A few months after, I could say I’m extremely happy choosing this robust device, that does an excellent job on my workbench.
Projection keyboard
The laser keyboards use laser and infra-red technology to create the virtual keyboard and to project the hologram of a keyboard on a flat surface.
USBAsp – AVR USB Programmer
A good source for cheap AVR USB Programmers. USBasp modules.
Simple Switched power Supplies
Several simple SMPS designs, constructed by Daniel, . A great resource to learn about various SMPS topologies.
Programmatically Injecting Events on Android – Part 1
Three possible solutions for injecting events (both keys or touch events) in Android.
Canon S2 IS CCD Repair and IR Mod
A quick CCD replacement for my Canon S2 IS camera. CCD IR filter removed to enable IR photography options.
AVR Studio 5 snprintf / vsnprintf problem with Floats
How to fix the problem with Float variables in AVR Studio
Tube: IVL1-8/13 (ИВЛ1-8/13)
The device consists of a hot cathode (filaments), anodes (phosphor) and grids encased in a glass envelope under a high vacuum condition. The cathode is made up of fine tungsten wires, coated by alkaline earth metal oxides, which emit electrons when heated by an electric current.