Direct detection of x-rays using detectors based on CCD technology is possible.
The CCD, directly exposed to the incoming x-ray photons, results in direct absorption (i.e., detection) of the photons.
While special CCDs are usually involved in such detectors, regular camera CCDs, as those found in modern mobile phones can also be used to detect radiation. Using software it is possible to compute the number of detection events (random pixels / white spots). Assuming the geometry of the radiation field is known (or can be approximated), the setup can be used for dosing the radiation detected.
ce tub pentru rad x ai folosit?
ce tensiune l-ai alimentat?
poti face poze cu sursa si in timpu util?
din pacate nu, filmul e doar o compilatie a unor inregistrari gasite pe un forum tehnic. In schimb voi incerca sa realizez o aplicatie pentru Android care numara pixelii aleatori cand lentila camerei e acoperita cu un material opac pentru lumina. Ar putea fi de interes, vezi si al doilea film din articol.
where can we find the android sofware to test???
Hi Felix, what exactly do you need?
Dear, interesting. I have seen this effect in the images on the monitor of a tv room cobaltoterapy (radiotherapy).
@juan yes, that is correct