DIY/Homemade Geiger Muller Clicker V1

March 21, 2011

An article presenting a simple DIY Geiger Muller counter using the Russian tube SI-22G and a single transistor regulated inverter that puts out 400V, as required by the tube. A very basic detector assembled in 5 minutes. See an operation comparison to the Radex RD1706.


NaI Scintillation Probe and Gamma Spectroscopy

November 29, 2010

A scintillation probe enclosing the regulated high voltage supply, the signal amplifier, the photomultiplier and the scintillation crystal (NaI). Building a DIY counter for a NaI Scintillation probe. AtMega8 and a bluetooth module for wireless data output. A cheap and easy to build homemade dosimeter with applications in spectroscopy.


Android Bluetooth controlled robot – Part 1

November 1, 2010

Learn to connect a bluetooth module to an ATMega micro controller via the UART serial interface and even further, discover it using a bluetooth enabled Android phone. The 9600bps serial link established, can than be used to exchange data: read sensors or control the robot.