As most of HD2 users know, for some time already there is an HTC Desire Android image available for loading on the HD2 using Haret.
Since this is not an official release, it is expected to have bugs/issues. Some of them can be fixed, with some other we need to get used.
The Android image can be loaded from Windows Mobile, using Haret, after all the files are copied to the SDCard in the Android folder.
However, if the SDCard is bigger than 2GB, there are some issues: installing .apk file over ADB but not only, will result in failure: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE]
So don’t use a 4GB/8GB card for booting Android on the HD2, and you’ll be able (at least) to install other software!
Great, My boyfriend have a plan to own android tab in next couple days. My questions : 1. Is this samsung galaxy tab still shipped from Korea? 2. Does it have bluetooth port? 3. Is this htc android tablet worth to be owned? 4. Which is the best for browse the internet, iPad 3 or htc android tab? Chers, Zizi