My first results in building a Tesla Coil were encouraging, but running the whole system on a battery pack with a 555 driven flyback transformer was not the best I could get. Still those of you interested in seeing my first steps in the Tesla Coils realm can have a look here
My second attempt and the subject of this article, came with a change in the power source.
As advised by Teslina I tried to use a ZVS driven flyback with builtin rectifier to power the tesla coil.
So I’ve built a new ZVS driver soldering the components above a heatsink. I’ve used 2xIRFP460 mosfets, 2xBYV26E as fast diodes, 2 15V Zenners and a 50coil iron-core inductor.
For the flyback, first I’ve tried a twin setup, by using two monitor flybacks, both with built-in rectifiers.
The primary must be shared, and the two secondaries connected in series for summed voltage output:
Luckily I’ve found a better flyback that did the job of the two, so I dropped the design above. Still it’s useful when you want to get a bit more voltage and you only have small monitor flybacks.
I’ve used the half wave rectified output to charge a bank of capacitors, summing 6nF 18KV. Here’s the simple Tesla Coil schematics for rectified current:
And here are a few pics and vids showing the Tesla Coil in action:
In schema ta inverseaza pozitiile condensatorului primar si a spark gap-ului ca sa iti protejezi mai bine traful si condensatorul. Etanseaza partea de sus a secundarului, izoleaza spirele de la capatul de sus cu banda izolatoare ca sa reduci pierderea prin corona si construieste un mic toroid (cauciuc de la o roata de carut de ex, invelita cu folie de aluminiu, netezita cu dosul unei lingurite ca sa fie cat mai neteda). Toroidul iti va da mai multa capacitanta secundara, arcurile vor fi mai lungi si mai puternice, iar pierderile prin corona vor fi reduse.
could u,build me a schematic[driver board] for a flyback,powered tesla coil? or send me a simple schematic,powered by a flyback,to power a small tesla coil? what size wire,is needed,and diamater,and length,of coil form,for tesla coil secondary? i have a couple large coils,driven by 15/60 neon sign trannys. be happy to pay,or trade for advice.
Hi Mike, you can see the schematics here:
Let me know if you need anything else.
Salut,sunt incepator in domeniu dar am construit un driver zvs care are la iesire 2 transformatoare de linie,tensiunea de intrare este de 12v si intensitate de 16a. Acum vreau sa construiesc o bobina tesla. Am construit un condensator de inalta tensiune de vreo 5-6uF si bobinele sun asa:
primar 5spire fir izolat
secundar 350spire
din pacate nu functioneaza cum trebuie
Ce trebuie sa fac sa imbunatatesc randamentul?
Salut Adrian,
350 spire in secundar pare cam putin. ce dimensiuni (lungime/diametru) are bobinajul?
primarul va trebui sa-l faci cu sarma desizolata ca sa-i poti face acordul (sa gasesti frecventa de rezonanata, cu o priza mobila pe el, sau incerci cu 4 spire, 5 spire, etc pana la scanteia maxima)
condensatorul d 5-6uF homemade suna putin straniu. cum l-ai facut de ai obtinut asa capacitate mare?
la toate astea ar ajuta de ai pune cateva poze.
condensatorul l-am facut pe metoda layden jar cu 6 sticle de dorna de 1.5l umplute cu apa cu sare si puse in paralel
deasemenea ai putea te rog sa imi spui de la ce sursa alimentezi zvs-ul
Adrian, obisnuiam sa il alimentez de la sursa asta :
Hi Radu may I know what input voltage and current that u put into the driver that gives such a bright spark on the tesla coil top? Many thanks.
hulago, 12-15V in, 3-5Amps.
what type of power source that u used? Is that lead acid battery or laptop power supply? Many thanks.
Hulago, have a look here:
This is what I used.
I recently had someone ask me about this kind of use for a ZVS driven Tesla coil and pointed him towards here 🙂
Hehe, the good old times with HV experiments